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April 2000


Hola HOTties! Welcome to Springtime.
Searching for something new and exciting? Look what we have for you:
Jibbles 'N' Bits Of Trivia and Suzie's StarStruck Birthdays. Now you can challenge yourself with a little trivia, or find out who's birthday it is.

This month we feature
Fine Diner's The Sports Page.
  Hop on over to enter our drawing for a fabulous sports prize!  And don't forget
to visit
DThrillLady to see who last month's winner was.

Get interactive! Give us the scoop on newsworthy occurances in your life for the
Rumor Mill. Or maybe there's nothing new, but you have a question BURNING within that you must know the answer to. So go ahead...don't be shy!
AskTheYenta because she knows all! And please, find time to lend a
Helping Hand to this month's featured charity.

In this issue:

Trivia: Jibbles 'N' Bits Of Trivia asks "What is the term for a female hare?"

Sports: Play in the NBA on The Sports Page.

Commentary: The Soap Box battles society's emphasis on beauty.

Advice: Who is the invisible chatter? Ask The Yenta.

HOT Web Sites: Gem’s Gems is curious about the origins of the Easter Bunny.

Personal Care: Get nailed Out Of The Closet.

Fun Stuff: Rodney Dangerfield speaks on Pam’s Playground.

Birthdays: Join Suzie's StarStruck Birthdays and learn all about your Aries friends.

Editorial: Find your Laughing Place in Vital Social Issues & Stuff.

Food: krstl’s karats adds a tropical flair to your Springtime fun.

Things To Do: Go To Reno with DThrillLady.

Plan Ahead: DThrillLady sez: "Seattle is just three months away!"

Pet Column: An interview with the Sockpuppet in the Whisker Watch.

Travel: Globetrotting takes you to Disneyland.

Movie Reviews: What's For Rent? Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense.

WWW: Experience Weather With Weber throughout this month's articles.

Donate food, for free,
to hungry people in the world on

The Hunger Site

The Hunger Site was founded in 1999 to help curb world hunger by using the Internet in a creative way. Visitors to The Hunger Site donate free food to the hungry, at no cost to them, once a day simply through the "click of a button". These donations, distributed by the United Nations World Food Programme, are paid for by The Hunger Site's sponsors -- including Sprint, ProFlowers, and iVillage. The amount of food given with each donation depends on the number of sponsors for any given day, with each sponsor paying for 1/4 cup of food per donation. The results? Between June 1999 and January 2000, more than 9 million pounds of food (equivalent to nearly 75 million cups) went to feed the hungry as a result of the nearly 34 million visitors who visited The Hunger Site and clicked to help the hungry.

Download of the Month

Ready to get into the MP3 craze?
Here are a couple of free files
to get you started

Napster is an Internet search tool that lets you search for and download songs in .mp3 format. Other features include advanced search functions, the ability to chat with other Napster users, a built-in .mp3 player, and playlist and library tools.

Winamp packs a ton of audio playing power in a small space. Best known for its MP3 playback capabilities, it also lets you audition files in other popular formats (including .wav, .mid, .voc, .mod, and more) and play CDs.

Do you have questions about HTMLor graphics with Paint Shop Pro? Write to

Your editor blows HOT air, this time while naming names <G>

ENGAGED: Throw a nickel into Snow White’s Wishing Well at Disneyland and what do you get? Mary Xmas received a diamond engagement ring from Musclebunny! No date has been set for the happiest day on earth.

MARRIED: BaseballVic & his lovely bride Renae, were married on December 24, 1999. You can see pictures of the lovely nuptials here. No honeymoon pictures are currently available.

PROCREATING: Congratulations to our beloved Krstl Ktn, expecting her third grandchild. The wife of her oldest son is expecting their second child. Sorry, no pictures are available of the conception either.

PASSING ON: Our deepest sympathies to:

Bunz on the loss of her father
Gemmy on the loss of her father
Twinsfan on the loss of his mother
Tree Pruner on the loss of his father
Larue on the loss of her mother-in-law

All our love to you and your families.


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