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May 2000


A Little Bit of Trivia Questions
Place your mouse over the ball for the answer

Sulfanilamide or sulfa drugs In 1935, Gerhard Johannes discovered what chemotherapeutic agent that cured streptococcal infections?

Thyroid Radioactive iodine is used to treat Graves disease which is an excessive production of what hormone?

Septicemia Blood poisoning, while not life-threatening, precedes the onset of what condition of the blood that is life-threatening?

Dysentery Shigella is a bacterium that causes what severe disease of the large intestine?

Mononucleosis The Epstein-Barr virus is one of the chief causes of what infectious disease that affects the lymph system?

Diphtheria In 1983, only five people caught what disease that in 1921 there were over two hundred thousand cases of reported in the United States?

The Bubonic Plague What disease is caused by the bacillus Pasteurella Pestis?

Leprosy In 1976, it was discovered that what infectious disease that was identified in 1974 by Armauer Hansen also affects armadillos in the wild?

SyphilisSalvarsan was the only effective treatment for what sexually transmitted disease until the purification of penicillin in the 1940s?

Streptomycin What drug produced by soil bacteria was discovered in 1944 by Selman Waksam and his associates, and was the major treatment for tuberculosis?

A Little Bit Of Healthcare

It's that time of the year... the time when all of those lovely pollens invade our systems. It's also a good time to be aware of other things that can affect our health. Below, you'll find some links to various sites that can give you information that may help you with your health-care decisions. Be sure to consult your doctor before making changes in your health-care regimen.

RxList - The Internet Drug Index

Mayo Clinic Health Oasis

The Sneeze Gazette

Other Bits.....

Myths, Hoaxes, and Urban Legends

We all get them - those e-mails warning us of dire happenings to our computers, our credit cards, or even our physical well-being. Which ones are true and which are fake? Before clogging someone's mail with a warning, check it out to be absolutely sure it isn't just another rumor.

Computer Virus Myths home page

CIAC Internet Hoaxes

Urban Legends and Folklore - Home Page

Korova Multimedia § Hoax du Jour

If you're a member of AOL, there's a great site at KEYWORD: URBAN LEGENDS.