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October 2000


A Little Bit of Trivia Questions
Place your mouse over the ball for the answer

Measles (German Measles are caused by rubella.) What is the more common name of the fever-producing disease caused by a filterable virus known as rubeola?

Louis Pasteur In 1884, who produced a preventive vaccine against rabies?

Mononucleosis What acute disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus?

Ebola What virus that causes hemorrhagic fever was named after the area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it was first identified?

Chicken pox What is the more common name of the contagious viral disease known as varicella?

Shingles What infection of nerve fibers is caused when the chicken pox virus reactivates?

Mumps Althought it can occur, sterility is rare when an adult male contracts what virus frequently characterized by swollen salivary glands?

Edward Jenner In 1798, what British physician formally demonstrated that persons who had prior cowpox infections were immune to smallpox?

Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin What American physician and epidemiologist and American virologist were both responsible for a decline in paralytic poliomyelitis?

Walter Reed What Army surgeon and bacterioligist determined the cause of Yellow Fever?

A Little Bit Of Technology

In this ever-increasing world of maliciousness, we need to be vigilant not only about our personal safety, but also about the safety of our computers. Aside from a good virus-protection program, there are other programs that can help protect a computer. Some of them can be expensive, but there are also a few that are good and cost-free. Check out some of the sites below and see if any of them will help you protect your computer.

Shields UP! -- Internet Connection Security Analysis

DSL - - the place for BROADBAND

Navas Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide

AntiOnline - Computer Security - Hacking & Hackers

BlackICE Defender

Zone Labs - Home

Personal Firewall - Sygate Personal Firewall

Finjan Software - Products

Hot Fixes: WatchDog's on the Prowl

Simply Super Software

Other Bits.....

Myths, Hoaxes, and Urban Legends

We all get them - those e-mails warning us of dire happenings to our computers, our credit cards, or even our physical well-being. Which ones are true and which are fake? Before clogging someone's mail with a warning, check it out to be absolutely sure it isn't just another rumor.

Computer Virus Myths home page

CIAC Internet Hoaxes

Urban Legends and Folklore - Home Page

Korova Multimedia § Hoax du Jour

If you're a member of AOL, there's a great site at KEYWORD: URBAN LEGENDS.

salutes this month's featured writer:

MS. OCTOBER: JIBBLES (aka Jillybean)

Enter our drawing to win this 1000 piece puzzle. The winner will be randomly drawn from all entries, notified via E-mail on October 28th, and will have their name printed in our November edition. To enter, just send an email to: