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Here it is! The Grim ~V~eeper's Celebrity Death Poll 2001!
Every year you pick 10 celebrities you think will buy the farm. If any of your picks go, you earn points equal to 100 minus your pick's age. Follow the table to see the standings. Deceased picks are highlighted in yellow and include the age of the celebrity at time of death.

Htf did Twins (defending co-champ) come up with such a random pick as Lou Boudreau? Got me, but he did and he gets on the board with 16 points. As the game stands now:

Gemmie's Mike - 51
Smiles - 48
Weber - 40
Mad Dog - 24
Mary Xmas - 24
Pike - 24
Twins - 16
Others - zip

For the latest news, drop by the Celebrity Cemetary every month on Hot Off The Press! Also check out the Sickticker, for health updates on your favorite celebrities.

alizarin Cougershon FlyingV Gabby Gemmie Gemmie's Mike Krstl Kitten
Berle, Milton Flockhark, Calista Goldthwaite, Bobcat Dick, Andy Allen, Woody Bush, George W. Arafat, Yassir
Douglas, Michael Hope, Bob Hope, Bob Flockhart, Calista Brando, Marlon Connery, Sean Caulkin, Macauley
Farrakan, Louis Moore, Dudley Monteban, Ricardo Griffith, Melanie King, Larry Earnhardt, Dale - 49 Douglas, Kirk
Franklin, Areatha Perry, Matthew Moore, Dudley Hepburn, Katherine Love, Courtney Eastwood, Clint Funicello, Annette
Hepburn, Kathrine Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II Hopper, Dennis Newman, Paul Eminem Hepburn, Katherine
Jagger, Mick Pryor, Richard Pryor, Richard Manson, Marilyn Penn, Sean Griffith, Andy Horne, Lena
Newton, Wayne Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Nielson, Leslie Rivers, Joan Hussein, Saddam Jones, George
Palance, Jack Shatner, William Rooney, Mickey Perry, Matthew Shatner, William Knotts, Don Kitt, Eartha
Reynolds, Burt Simpson, O.J. Strawberry, Darryl Piscopo, Joe Sterwart, Martha Lansbury, Angela Minelli, Liza
Taylor, Liz Thurmond, Strom Williams, Ted Rooney, Mickey Sheen, Charlie Lewis, Jerry Strawberry, Darryl
Mad Dog Mary Xmas Phootie Pike Redhawk SensMam Smiles
Berle, Milton Bullock, Jm J. Brinkley, David Berra, Yogi Bernhard, Sandra Belafonte, Harry Downey, Robert Jr.
Buddy Ebsen Caulkin, MacCauley Bush, George Doohan, James "Scotty" Carson, Johnny Bernardi, Hershel Getty, Estelle
Caesar, Sid Doohan, James "Scotty" Dick, Andy Downey, Robert Jr. Carter, Jimmy Cash, Johnny Hope, Bob
Douglas, Kirk Downey Jr., Robert Hope, Bob Lee, Tommy Chenney, Dick Child, Julia Kennedy, Ted
Downey Jr., Robert Hepburn, Katherine Kennedy, Ted Lemmon, Jack - 76 Foreman, George Deloisse, Dom Lemmon, Jack - 76
Hepburn, Katherine O'Connor, Carrol - 76 Lewis, Jerry Love, Courtney John, Elton Dylan, Bob Moore, Mary Tyler
Hope, Bob Pope John Paul II Malden, Karl Moore, Dudley Philbin, Regis Hepburn, Katherine Newman, Paul
O'Connor, Carrol - 76 Reagan, Ronald Randall, Tony Pope John Paul II Reiner, Carl Pointer, Sidney O'Conner, Carrol - 76
Peck, Gregory Somers, Brett Reagan, Ronald Randall, Tony Walters, Barbara Prudhomme, Paul Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II Strawberry, Darryl Taylor, Liz Richards, Keith White, Betty Reagan, Ronald Rogers, Fred
Snurtimus Tarq tktwrtr Twins Weber Wildcaps  
Barham, Eva Berle, Milton Crosby, David Allen, Marty Allman, Greg Barrymore, Drew  
Barry, Marion Brennan, Eileen Downey, Robert Jr. Boudreau, Lou - 84 Case, Steve Bush, Jeb  
Castro, Fidel Cash, Johnny Eisenberg, Haile pepsi girl Diller, Phyllis Cheney, Dick Cheney, Dick  
Chambers, Marilyn Cheney, Dick Glover, Crispin Domino, Fats Dawson, Richard Crosby, David  
Hackman, Gene Costner, Kevin Harrison, George Ghostly, Alice Flockhart, Calista Knight, Bobby  
Hepburn, Kathrine Downey Jr., Robert Hogan, Hollywood Hulk Johnson, Russell Reagan, Maureen - 60 Lil Kim  
Jones, George Dudley Moore Louganis, Greg Kissinger, Henry Reagan, Nancy Newman, Laraine  
Kesey, Ken Lynn, Loretta Shriver, Eunice Kennedy Marie, Rose Reagan, Ronald Princess Stephanie  
Pavarati, Luciano Pope John Paul II Snoop Doggy Dogg Moore, Dudley Thrumond, Strom Simmons, Richard  
Thatcher, Mararget Wilder, Gene Williams, Ted Young, Alan Turner, Ted Trump, Ivana  

Last updated 9/17/01

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